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Version 1.0 August 15, 1986
PC-FLOW - Flowcharting with the MS Mouse
by Dave Makoski
PC-FLOW is a shareware product. As such, feel free to copy
and share it with others. If you feel PC-FLOW is useful,
all I ask is that you invest in a postage stamp, and mail me
a note with comments or suggestions as to enhancements you
would like to see. My address is at the end of this document.
PC-FLOW is a flow chart designing program for the IBM
Personal Computer and clones. It is designed around two basic
1) What You See Is What You Get
2) Point and shoot
Making the program very easy to use.
Both keyboard and mouse are supported for further ease of
PC-FLOW is designed to run on the IBM Personal Computer
series of computers (PC, PCjr, XT and AT). 128 KB of memory,
one disk drive, and a color monitor are required. In
addition, a printer is needed in order to print PC-FLOW flow
charts on paper.
PC-FLOW flow charts are printed using the DOS print screen
function (Shift-PrtSc). In order to use this function the
Graphics command MUST have been previously executed from DOS.
The Graphics command is an external DOS command and requires
the GRAPHICS.COM program found on your DOS diskette.
The following list is the files that make up the PC-FLOW
PC-FLOW.EXE........The main program
FLOWSIDE.PIC.......Title, Date, and Description picture
(this file is optional)
PCFLOW.BAT.........Batch file for starting up PC-FLOW
(NO mouse support)
PCFLOWM1.BAT.......Batch file for starting up PC-FLOW
(Mouse support on COMM port #1)
PCFLOWM2.BAT.......Batch file for starting up PC-FLOW
(Mouse support on COMM port #2)
M_FLOW.MSC.........Menu definition language for the
Mouse Systems Mouse support.
(See section 5 MOUSE SUPPORT)
DEMOn.PIC..........Demo flow charts
PC-FLOW.DOC........This documentation.
Copy GRAPHICS.COM from your DOS diskette onto the diskette
containing PC-FLOW.
Either copy GRAPHICS.COM into the directory in which PC-FLOW
resides or, make sure GRAPHICS.COM can be found in the
directory search path.
PC-FLOW begins with a introductory screen, after reading it
press enter to continue.
After a short initialization you will be presented with the
PC-FLOW designing screen.
The arrow on the screen is your cursor when using PC-FLOW.
To move it simply use the arrow keys on the numeric key pad,
to speed up movement press and hold down the shift key while
pressing one of the arrow keys.
The designing grid is comprised of three basic areas:
1) The designing area
2) Flow charting symbols
3) Commands
The designing area is made up of a grid containing twenty
five squares which hold the flow charting symbols.
All symbols will be automatically centered into these twenty
five areas.
The flow charting symbols are chosen by moving the arrow
onto a symbol and pressing ENTER. You will notice that after
a symbol is chosen a box will appear around the symbol. Once
a symbol is chosen it may be placed in the designing area by
moving the arrow to any spot on the designing screen and
pressing the enter key. The blank symbol area on the lower
right of the symbols is used for erasing one of the twenty
five grid areas.
To chose a command simply locate the arrow onto one of the
commands and press enter.
SAVE This will save the current screen (the menu area will
not be saved). A window will appear and ask for a file
name, enter a file name NO EXTENSION all files are
saved with an extension of .PIC.
To exit with no action press enter with no file name.
LOAD This will load a previous saved screen, the file name
rule is the same as in the save command NO EXTENSION.
To exit with no action press enter with no file name.
PRINT Will cause the menu area to clear and the title, date,
and description header to appear. To print the screen
just press Shift Prt-Sc. After printing press enter.
To exit with no action press enter.
TEXT This allows you to enter text onto the designing area.
Note that this command will stay in effect until
turned off. After selecting this command simply move
the arrow to where you what the text to appear and
press enter. Next a window will appear and allow you
to enter text, press enter after completing your text
entry. If more text is desired move the arrow to the
desired location and press enter, the text window will
appear again. This process can be repeated until the
text command is turned off by placing the arrow on the
word TEXT in the command menu and pressing enter.
GRID This command will display a grid onto the designing
area showing the twenty five symbol areas.
LINES Allows you to draw lines onto the designing area.
This command like the text command will stay in effect
until turned off. To use move the arrow to a point on
the screen where you want the line to start and press
the enter key, next move the arrow to a point where
you want the line to end and press enter again.
To turn this command off place the arrow on the word
LINES and press enter.
FILES This command will show you all files in the current
directory that end with the PC-FLOW extension of .PIC.
CLEAR This command will clear the designing work area, a
check prompt will appear to make sure this is what you
really want to do.
QUIT Use this command to exit PC-FLOW, again a check will
be made to make sure this is really what you want to
Enclosed with PC-FLOW is the mouse definition language for
supporting the MOUSE SYSTEM(tm) mouse.
This file must be compiled using the MSC compiler. Refer to
the PC MOUSE REFERENCE MANUAL for further details.
If PC-FLOW is used with a mouse all movement of the arrow is
controlled by the mouse and pressing the left button will act as
if you pressed the enter key.
1) I would like to convert this program to use the EGA.
2) Create smaller fonts allowing smaller symbols allowing
a bigger grid area (twenty five is too small).
3) The ability for the user to design his/her own symbols.
Any question and/or comments can be sent to me at the
following address:
Dave Makoski
158 Rising Trail Drive
Middletown Ct. 06457
I can also be reached by leaving a message addressed to me
on HOUNDS HAVEN PCBoard B.B.S. at (203) 738-0306